Thursday, May 29, 2014

Champ Reviews The Poppy Project

I have some excellent news to share with my friends and followers. My biodographer Fiona Ingram has been working on a new book about a famous dog from Fiji called Poppy. It’s called The Poppy Project. Poppy met with a terrible accident one day. She was originally a hunting dog and her job was to root about in the bushes and chase the wild pigs for hunters. Oh my gosh, Poppy got in the way of a hunting machete and half her nose got cut off. She ran off and for weeks she just tried to find food by digging in dustbins, although her snout was in such bad shape she could hardly eat. But the Anjil for Aminals is always on duty and guided Poppy’s footsteps to a school where the very kind headmaster found her. He contacted the Nadi Clinic of Animals Fiji (they save lots of animals in Fiji) and they took Poppy in.

More good news! People all over the world heard about Poppy’s plight through Facebook and sent money to pay for an operation on her nose. Poppy got famous pretty quickly and then when Bondi Vet of Animal Planet heard about her … well, she was possibly the most famous dog from Fiji! Poppy had a life saving operation so she could eat and breathe properly and she got a new Fur-Ever Family that loves her to bits. Poppy is such a happy dog now, living a wonderful life in Australia. But she hasn’t forgotten all the needy animals left behind in Fiji, which is a very poor country.

Poppy was in very bad shape!
Fiona and Poppy decide to write down Poppy’s story about how she went from thin and starving to happy and healthy, and to use the money from the sales of the book to help Animals Fiji. Poppy’s story made me cry (at the sad part) but then it made me smile and laugh all the way because it is so happy. Poppy wrote a Pretty Ever After Poem, telling readers how she was worried that people would run away from her because she looked ugly. But you can learn a lesson here: everyone is beautiful because it does not matter what you look like on the outside … it’s the inside that counts!
What's inside the book? Oooh, lots of interesting stuff. Poppy also has an exciting adventure (Poppy’s Beach Adventure) in which she saves a little girl called Samantha from bullies at the beach. Poppy is a smart dog and she loves teaching people about Fiji. Poppy’s Classroom Capers will test your general knowledge about Australia and Fiji (don’t worry – the answers are at the back!). If you want to know how to help animals in general, Poppy includes loads of tips about caring for animals and making a difference.

Poppy all healed and looking pretty!
There are some sad photos because Poppy had a very bad time, but mostly there are photos of Poppy looking just gorgeous and being happy with her family. If you want to learn more about Poppy or to say hello, Poppy has a Facebook page as well. She loves to hear from people. If you want to know more about Animals Fiji and the fantastic job they do in helping Fiji's animals, then please visit their Facebook page as well. Animals Fiji needs a lot of support because they are trying to raise money to build a new clinic.
Please support Poppy and Animals Fiji by telling everyone about this 5-star book. It’s available on Amazon and you can be even nicer by leaving a review to say what you thought. Animal lovers of the world must stick together and make the planet a safe, loving place for all animals.

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